Offerings for Lectures & Workshops
Offerings for Lectures & Workshops
Offerings for Lectures & Workshops

desig4all is a pioneer in
age-friendly design, digital transformation and AI.
We bring the voice of older adults into the design, development and learning process of digital products and services.

The challenge
The inability to use digital platforms, products and services among older adults has harmful social and well-being implications on older adults' lives and on organizations aiming to provide products and services to them via digital platforms.
We believe that ageFriendly digital transformation holds a genuine promise for seamless aging experiences.
Our approach
ageFriendly digital transformation
We provide services to organizations who are targeting older adult clients and exploring ways to help them to cross the digital divide in the most respectful and considerate way.

Prof. Ron Nabarro
Industrial designer, Design strategist, entrepreneur, educator, and researcher. Prof. Nabarro is recognized as a thought leader in integrating age-friendly design and innovation into business. He has played a leading role in the emergence of age-friendly design and age-friendly design education. He is a practicing designer since 1970, and to date, he has designed more than 850 products in a wide range of industries. Israel Museum exhibited his design work in a solo exhibition in 1990. He is the recipient of the World Technology Network Award 2009 in the field of design for his long-term contributions in the field of age-friendly design. Prof. Nabarro teaches Design Strategy, Design Thinking, Entrepreneurship, and Age-friendly design in Israel and China. He is a frequent keynote speaker at conferences and has presented at TED events.